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Newtonian Falling and Momentum Damage System

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Newtonian is an advanced system that allows you to drag and drop a momentum-fueled falling damage system to your projects.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.15 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.
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Newtonian Falling and Momentum Damage System

Release Trailer

Feature Overview and Documentation Video

This 100% Blueprint powered system is completely drag and drop and will work on any character or controller! Included is two different systems for handling falling damage.

Simple Damage System: Starting with a simple old-school falling damage system, which applies damage based on your fall height. This is very easy to get up and running and match with your project, but is also somewhat limited in use compared to the advanced system (detailed below).

Advanced Momentum Based Damage System: This system is the recommended system to use, as it takes into account changes in the player's acceleration, and calculates the amount of G forces the player would be experiencing. Then, if the G forces are above the allowable threshold, the player will receive an amount of damage based on how much they exceed it. This allows for things like cushioning falls with water volumes, jump pads that don't cause damage to the player, damaging the player when they are slammed into a wall, and much, much more.

Using the advanced system included with Newtonian will result in realistic and reliable damage calculations for your players when they experience rapid deceleration, as from falling or being thrown into objects.

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Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 5 (plus 2 example Blueprints)

Network Replicated: Yes

List of Features: Simple falling damage, advanced falling and momentum damage, example health system

Intended Platforms: Windows, Mac, PS4, iOS, Android, Xbox One, Oculus, Other.

Platforms Tested: Windows, Mac

Documentation: Blueprint tutorials to cover main use include. Additional documentation available via videos