
VR Boxing Game

SoerGame - 蓝图 - 2023/10/02

VR Boxing Blueprint Template

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.2 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

In this template you will find important functions for creating a vr boxing game, such as: 

-striking punches subject to a certain hand movement velocity; 

-punshes to the head and torso;

-knockouts and knockdowns;

-division of the game into rounds and breaks; 

-sound and visual effects.

-saved player statistics, such as the number of wins, losses, knockouts, etc.

The template does not use real scoring, as in professional boxing, but fictional. 

Video: https://youtu.be/sW5jm4UucCQ

Included in the VR bundle


Number of Blueprints: 9

Input: Tracked Motion Controllers

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Tested Hardware: Oculus Quest 2

Documentation: Link