Blueprint accessible save system designed for procedural generation
Dynamic Scene Component - Save & Load is an unreal code plugin that allows for dynamically saving and loading complex blueprint structures that are created at runtime. This means that even components that are added or modified after the level has started will be saved and loaded correctly. All template components, like those added in the editor so not at runtime, will also work perfectly with this system. This is great if you are tired of having a million different structs for custom data involving procedural components. This plugin was made to handle saving and loading of any instance scene components, even if they are added at runtime (via NewObject and AttatchComponent)
Dynamic Scene Component - Save & Load is not designed to be an "all in one save", but will make procedurally generated actors with procedural components, easy to save and load. Without having to use a million different custom structs for saving and loading such data. If you want to add custom data (like none UStruct data) then you need some level of C++ knowledge.
Basic Features
Advanced Features
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 13
Number of C++ Classes: 7
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64