Generates game-ready transparent textures from asset thumbnails. Perfect for inventory systems!
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This plugin allows you to export blueprints, static meshes, and skeletal meshes to transparent game-ready textures with the click of a button. Perfect for inventory icons, item icons, whatever else you need!
The plugin is very simple to use. With the click of a button you can export thumbnails for one or more assets. Or if you need advanced functionality, the plugin provides support for generating thumbnails using editor scripting!
Basic use:
All of the configuration options (which includes thumbnail name, size, background color) are in the Project Settings window under the Editor header, inside the Thumbnail Exporter section. If you want to configure the aforementioned thumbnail generation options, or add another export preset to the content browser menu, then look there. If you hover over the options, the tooltips explain what each option does.
Advanced use:
The plugin also includes 4 blueprint nodes for editor scripting. These nodes are in the Thumbnail Exporter Blueprint Function Library.
The nodes are:
The ExportThumbnail node can be used for automating any sort of thumbnail creation with editor scripting. For example, you could lookup assets by type using the asset registry and automatically create thumbnails for all assets of that type.
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 7
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms that support Unreal Editor
Supported Target Build Platforms: N/A (Editor only)
Documentation: In the plugin description (scroll up)
Example Project: N/A
Important/Additional Notes: N/A