PLATEAU SDK for Unreal

PLATEAU SDK for Unreal allows you to easily develop real-world applications and urban simulations using PLATEAU's rich geospatial data.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    5.2 - 5.3
  • 다운로드 유형
    엔진 플러그인
    이 제품은 코드 플러그인과 함께 미리 빌드한 바이너리와 언리얼 엔진에 통합되는 모든 소스 코드를 포함하고 있으며 원하시는 엔진 버전에 설치하여 프로젝트에 따라 활성화할 수 있습니다.

**Intuitive CityGML Import**

The City Model Import function allows you to import all 3D city model data that conforms to PLATEAU's 3D City Model Standard Product Specification (2nd Edition Series) into your Unreal levels as input.

You can specify a range of import by selecting a rectangle in map.

CityGML shape data cannot be visualized in the game engine in its original format, so it is converted to polygon mesh at the time of import. The converted polygon mesh is visualized as a mesh actor in the Unreal level. When converting to a polygon mesh, you can select the unit of merging from primary(buildings, roads, etc.), atomic(walls, roof surfaces, etc.), or area(all land actors within a 100m x 100m area are merged).

**3D City Model Adjustment:**

You can adjust the appearance of the 3D city model imported into the level with the import function. Specifically, each actor can be displayed or hidden according to the following settings.

- LOD(Level of detail in CityGML)

- Feature type (buildings, roads, DEM, etc.)

**Export of 3D City Models to FBX, OBJ, glTF:**

Imported 3D city models can be exported in 3D file formats.

- Export to OBJ, FBX, and glTF

- Exclusion of actors set to be hidden by the city model adjustment function

- Output coordinate system can be selected from Local (coordinates in the Unreal level) and Plane Cartesian (planar Cartesian coordinates)

- Output mesh coordinate axis settings

**API for Accessing Attributes in 3D City Models:**

APIs to access attributes in 3D city models are provided. The API provides access to all attribute information contained in CityGML. The names of Unreal components in the imported 3D city model correspond to their IDs in CityGML, so you can specify the name of each actor to the API to retrieve its associated attribute information.

기술적 세부사항

Important/Additional Notes:

- Currently, this SDK is only available in Japanese language.

- When importing city models, it has 2 modes: "Local" and "Server". We recommend "Local" because little data is available in the server now.

Youtube Video: Youtube PV


- Importing PLATEAU data, which depicts real Japanese cities in CityGML format.

- Adjusting imported city model. You can select which LOD & feature types are displayed.

- API for accessing attributes in city models.

- Export city model to 3d files, such as OBJ, FBX, GLTF.

Code Modules: PLATEAUEditor, PLATEAURuntime

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 90

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:Windows (x86_64), MacOS(ARM)

Supported Target Build Platforms:Windows (x86_64), MacOS(ARM)

Documentation (English) : English pdf manual

Documentation (Japanese): Japanese manual

Tutorial: Japanese Tutorial

Example Project: