스포트라이트세일: 9 월9 일오후10 시59 분까지엄선된블루프린트를50% 할인받으세요.

Light Piano, vol. I Music Pack

Aleksis Shaw Music - 음악 - 2023/05/30
평점 없음

14 loopable, light, solo piano music tracks designed for visual novels, casual games, and slice-of-life games.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.

This pack contains 14 seamlessly loopable light piano tracks (16-bit, 44.1kHz wav files) and 30 minutes, 12 seconds of original music.

This light piano pack is ideal for visual novels, slice-of-life games, casual games, and RPG games. All of the piano tracks are calm and relaxing, but evoke a variety of moods: Dreamy and ethereal, sad and nostalgic, playful and happy, delicate and peaceful, warm and intimate, grand and romantic; whatever emotional cue your game needs, this pack has something for you!

You can listen to the music pack in full before purchasing here:



Time of Peace (LOOP) [1:52]

Wishing Well (LOOP) [4:08]

Daydream (LOOP) [3:12]

Pleasant Pensiveness (LOOP) [2:13]

Wistful (LOOP) [0:58]

True Love (LOOP) [2:05]

Cheerful (LOOP) [2:09]

Playful (LOOP) [1:46]

Domestic (LOOP) [1:13]

Quaint (LOOP) [1:29]

Life Goes On (LOOP) [2:56]

Memories (LOOP) [2:15]

Always (LOOP) [2:21]

There's Still Hope Yet (LOOP) [1:27]

기술적 세부사항


  •  14 loopable, light, solo piano music tracks

Number of Audio Wavs: 14

Number of Audio Cues: 14

Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz / 16-bit

Does music loop: Yes

Minutes of audio provided: 30 mins, 12 secs

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Link (or a description of where users can find) the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: