スポットライト セール:9月9 日まで一部のキャラクターが 50%オフで購入できます。

Millie and Alex Pack

Dzib3D - キャラクター - 2023/05/31

Game ready low-poly characters "Millie Schoolgirl" and "Alex Schoolboy"

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

Video Presentation "Millie Schoolgirl" - https://youtu.be/Xu6iC5pVgSU

Video Presentation "Alex Schoolboy" - https://youtu.be/9dhEBExzp5s

Alex Schoolboy - https://unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/alex-schoolboy

Millie Schoolgirl - https://unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/millie-schoolgirl

Technical details:

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_01 LOD 0: tris 82664, verts 44309, faces 41660

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_02 LOD 0: tris 80384, verts 43060, faces 40537

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_03 LOD 0: tris 80068, verts 42989, faces 40362

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_04 LOD 0: tris 88025, verts 47080, faces 44985

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_05 LOD 0: tris 85525, verts 45675, faces 45235


SK_Alex_Schoolboy_01 LOD 0: tris 88695, verts 46729, faces 47199

SK_Alex_Schoolboy_02 LOD 0: tris 94143, verts 53145, faces 48750

SK_Alex_Schoolboy_03 LOD 0: tris 80439, verts 42630, faces 41470

SK_Alex_Schoolboy_04 LOD 0: tris 87627, verts 49808, faces 46237

SK_Alex_Schoolboy_05 LOD 0: tris 88517, verts 50270, faces 46699


-Rigged with Epic Skeleton. Easy Animations retarget (When working with the character "Millie Schoolgirl", please use additional bones in skirt for correct animation, or set up kawaii physics for a skirt)

-Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton(Millie Schoolgirl): breast_r, breast_l, eye_r, eye_l, skirt_front_01_l, skirt_front_02_l, skirt_front_03_l, skirt_side_01_l, skirt_side_02_l, skirt_side_03_l, skirt_back_01_l, skirt_back_02_l, skirt_back_03_l, skirt_front_01_r, skirt_front_02_r, skirt_front_03_r, skirt_side_01_r, skirt_side_02_r, skirt_side_03_r, skirt_back_01_r, skirt_back_02_r, skirt_back_03_r

-Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton(Alex Schoolboy): eye_r, eye_l

-PBR Textures Metal/Roughness

-Textures Resolution - 512x512, 1024x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096

-Facial expressions are included (Morph Targets, Blendshapes)

-Animations include: idle, run, walk, jump - retarget from standard Mannequin

-Change roughness and other param via Material Instances

-The models is completely modular, combine different variations to get a customized result


Dear friends! If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me: [email protected]



Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

Animated: Yes

Number of Animations: Retarget

Number of characters: 2

Vertex counts of characters:

SK_Millie_SchoolGirl_01 LOD 0: tris 82664, verts 44309, faces 41660

SK_Alex_Schoolboy_01 LOD 0: tris 88695, verts 46729, faces 47199

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

-Millie Schoolgirl: 54

-Alex Schoolboy: 49

Number of Textures:

-Millie Schoolgirl: 112

-Alex Schoolboy: 91

Texture Resolutions: (512x512, 1024x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: No

Important/Additional Notes: Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton:

(Millie Schoolgirl): breast_r, breast_l, eye_r, eye_l, skirt_front_01_l, skirt_front_02_l, skirt_front_03_l, skirt_side_01_l, skirt_side_02_l, skirt_side_03_l, skirt_back_01_l, skirt_back_02_l, skirt_back_03_l, skirt_front_01_r, skirt_front_02_r, skirt_front_03_r, skirt_side_01_r, skirt_side_02_r, skirt_side_03_r, skirt_back_01_r, skirt_back_02_r, skirt_back_03_r

(Alex Schoolboy): eye_r, eye_l