VFX Natural Portals 03

lioMizar - Visual Effects - Sep 28, 2023
Not Yet Rated

Package with natural portals. Created in Niagara UE 4.27. Contains 3 types of portals.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.


Package with natural portals. Created in Niagara UE 4.27. Contains 3 types of portals: Plants, Rock, Ice. 12 unique portals. There are 21 portals in total.

Looks great in both dark and light scenes.

For all portals there is a change in service life and color change.

For the first three portals of each type, 2 types of portal operation control are provided: time-based or push-button control. The fourth portal of each type is permanent, controlled by buttons.

Technical Details

12 unique portals.

There are 21 portals in total.

Emitter type: CPU

Number of unique effects: 12

Number of materials: 31

Number of material instance: 41

Number of material functions : 4

Number of textures:73

Number of blueprints: 13

Number of unique meshes: 17

Supported Development Platforms: Windows