10 de dezembro de 2018

The 2018 Epic MegaJam results are in!

De Amanda Bott

With over 200 submissions played and scored, we have wrapped up another exciting showcase of magnificent labors of love from the Unreal Engine community with the 2018 Epic MegaJam.


To kick off the event, the theme, “Reality Is Often Inaccurate,” was announced at the end of our weekly Unreal Engine livestream. Over the course of the following week, more than 500 developers poured their hearts into creating a variety of titles. Puzzle and horror games emerged. Tales of adventures, quirky hamsters, and more serious experiences, like that of a blind child or outliving a pet, surfaced by the time submissions were due. 

See (and play) all the entries on the Epic MegaJam Itch.io page!

The Unreal community never ceases to inspire and impress with the quality and creativity of submissions; all those who participated should be proud of their efforts. Game jams certainly test one’s stamina, perseverance, and skill. We hope all jammers stopped to have some fun along the way!

After evaluating each game, three finalists and special category winners were selected and will receive prizes from our generous sponsors. 

And the 2018 Epic MegaJam winners are…


MrRamm - The Doctor


MrTapa - LIEbrary

Autosave - SOWON

Special Category Winners

Something, Something Reality: BeeVR Buddies - TaVRn


On the Go: Katuta - Rift AR

Army of One: Justin Bowen - Reality Shift

Congratulations, everyone!

Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors, without whom we wouldn’t be able to offer fantastic resources and prizes to our jammers: Intel Software, Falcon Northwest, Logitech Gaming, SideFX, Quixel, DXRacer, Soundly, Assembla, GameTextures, Dokyo, GameDNA, and Crowdforge.io.
Watch us cover the Epic MegaJam and play the winning games!

And thank you again to all those who participated! We adore seeing your work and hope that you’ll join us for the next jam in February. Keep an eye on @UnrealEngine and #ue4jam for ongoing Unreal Engine updates and information about the next big event.