In an ongoing partnership with Unreal Engine Marketplace creators, select content is available for free to the Unreal community each month, giving artists, designers, and programmers access to additional resources at no extra cost.
Considering these robots are modular, they offer more than meets the eye. Transform them with numerous weapon, case, and chassis modules. At the low low price of free this month, this package, ironically, can't be bot!
With Dmitry Karpukhin's ProInstance Tools Plugin, you can mix things up — literally. With it, you can control the procedurally generated placement of meshes and actors with easy-to-understand, unified settings.
Whether you're looking to tell a tale as old as time or one with a twist ending, it's adventure time with palinoia gamedev's Third Person Story Adventure Template. It allows you to create a framework for creating story-based games with environmental interactions, dialogue, and more.
With Easy Systems's modular building system, you can literally raise the roof. The fact that it comes with walls, door frames, ceilings, and more make it a riveting package!
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