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Vertex Anim Toolset

Rexocrates - 代码插件 - 2019/11/15

Plugin for baking skeletal mesh animation into textures

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    4.22 - 4.26
  • 下载类型

Attention! This plugin has been open sourced under MIT license, find it here.

10.000 Animated Mannequins.

2.500 Agents with different animation states.

This Plugin enables the user to bake a skeletal mesh's animation (both bone and morph target) into a texture to later be used inside the material shader to animate static mesh components much more efficiently than with regular skeletal meshes.

Video showing example process.



  • Bake multiple skeletal mesh animations into the same texture.
  • Create Static Mesh asset from a Skeletal Mesh, with additional special UV set for accessing animation data from the same texture from every LOD of the mesh.

Code Modules:

  • VertexAnimToolset - Developer.
  • VertexAnimToolsetEditor - Editor.

Number of C++ Classes: 8

Supported Development Platforms: Win-32, Win-64, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win-32, Win-64, Mac, Linux, PS4, XBoxOne, IOS, Android.


Example Project.

Important/Additional Notes: This is mostly an Editor oriented plugin, only part that makes it into the packaged builds are the Material Functions inside the content folder, so all target platforms are supported.
