Team VS Team Island Heightmap and Landscape Layer Masks.
What is included? In this pack you will find the Island Heightmap Mask and another 10 masks. Also the Landscape Material is included with the Material Instance and some other Material Functions.
The original Landscape HeightMap is 8129 x 8129. Dimension 5000 (m) x 5000 (m) x 550 (m).
The project has been setup to use the "proportional" Heightmask for the Landscape mesh and the "normalized" masks for importing the Landscape Layers, but that's up to you if want to modify it. You can assign the Masks you want in the Landscape Mode - Manage - Import.
All Masks can be found inside Unreal Project Folders, but are also included in the Project folder outside the Content one. The folder where they are located is called "Landscape_Layers", and inside it you can find the "proportional" folder and the "normalized" folder.