20 HDRI - Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - Vol. 3

Acronym Studio - 材质 - 2023/12/07

Dive into the realm of surrealistic landscapes and take your game development and visualization to new heights!

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.3 - 5.4
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Discover a surreal world with our Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - HDRI Vol.3

VOL.3 includes 20 incredibly beautiful surrealistic cubemaps.

you can save money and get VOL1, VOL2 and VOL3 at a better price by purchasing the Mega Bundle by clicking here

To utilize this pack, you'll have to activate the HDRIBackdrop FREE plugin. This plugin, developed by Epic, comes pre-installed in UE5. To enable it, go to Edit/Plugins, find HDRIBackdrop, and check the Enable box.

These images were created using stable diffusion with subsequent manual processing, upscaling, seam removal, and adding approximately 10-15 percent additional details.


Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)


Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances:

Number of Textures:

Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes/No)

Mac: (Yes/No)

Documentation: Link (or a description of where users can find) the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: