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Multiplayer First Person Shooter Kit

Fluppisoft - 蓝图 - 2016/02/10
  • 37%
  • 12%
  • 3%
  • 3%
  • 44%

A C++ multipayer first person shooter template project which loadout customization and other modern FPS game features.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    4.18 - 4.20, 4.25
  • 下载类型

Demonstration video: youtube.com/watch?v=rWyi2_zh12o

The first person shooter template project can be used as the base for your own FPS project or simply to explore and reuse the C++ source code and important assets. It includes many essential features for modern multiplayer FPS games, such as:

• Loadout and customization

• Fast-paced gunplay

• Teams or all against all

• Optional third person view

• Medic kit, ammo box

• Scoreboard

• Killfeed

• Score notifications

• Chat

• Mini map (multiple floors supported)

• Main menu

• Main and in game menu options

• Host server menu

• Server browser

Note: The images and videos show the FPS Kit in combination with other marketplace projects, like the Agents Character Pack, the Subway Environment, and the FPS Weapons Pack. These assets are not included but can be easily integrated with these steps:

1. Create a new FPS Kit project or skip if you already have one and close it

2. Open the FPS Weapons Pack folder (usually at "C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Launcher\VaultCache\FPSWeaponsPack\data\Content")

3. Copy the "FPS_Weapons_Pack" folder

4. Navigate to the "Content" directory of your FPS Kit project

5. Paste the folder from your clipboard and replace existing files


Number of Materials: 31
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variations: No (Only a few)
Number of Textures: 62
Texture Resolutions:
1024x1024: Scopes, trash container, fuel tank
512x512: Suppressor
256x256: HUD icons, scope haircrosses, lens normal, lens roughness
64x64: Kill cause icons, firemode icons
32x32: Simple crosshair texture
4x16: Default crosshair texture
Intended Platform: Desktop
Platforms Tested: Desktop
Documentation Included: No

Important/Additional Notes:
This is a C++ project. In UE 4.10 and later, the binary download of the engine will require the Visual Studio 2015 redistributable components to be installed for the editor to run. The redistributable components are not the same as the full Visual Studio 2015 installation, but are just a handful of DLLs that any VS2015-compiled program needs. Microsoft typically installs these automatically with Windows Update, but Epic includes Microsoft's standalone installer with the engine for anyone that has Windows Update disabled or isn't up to date.