93 Crowd City Motion Capture Animations for Cinematics (Body + Fingers)
A collection of 93 crowd city motion capture animations (Body + Fingers) ready for Unreal Engine (UE5 Skeletons, Loops, RootMotion/InPlace). All animations have been recorded and polished for use in cinematics (NOT intended for state machines), although there are many with loop and rootmotion.
More than 20 minutes of animations!
CONTACT: [email protected]
A_C_F_Applaud Woman applauds.
A_C_F_ChargeShopping Cashier scans products at supermarket checkout and charges.
A_C_F_CrossStreet Woman crosses the street.
A_C_F_DoYoga Woman does yoga in the park.
A_C_F_DrinkCoffe Sitting woman drinks a coffee.
A_C_F_Eat_02 Woman eats in a restaurant while chatting with someone.
A_C_F_EnterHome Woman opens the door of her house with her keys.
A_C_F_FeedPigeons_02 Woman in the park feeds the pigeons.
A_C_F_GrabBusBar Woman grabs the bar of the bus.
A_C_F_GreetDate_02 Woman goes to a date and gives two kisses to greet him.
A_C_F_GreetWindow Woman leaning out the window greets someone she knows.
A_C_F_Idle Idle woman.
A_C_F_Jogging Woman runs.
A_C_F_KickBall Girl kicks the ball and scores a goal.
A_C_F_LookCross_01 Woman looks to the sides before crossing the street.
A_C_F_LookForKeys Woman looks for her keys in her bag to enter the house.
A_C_F_LookThroughWindow Woman sitting on the bus looks out the window.
A_C_F_OrderFood_01 Woman orders food at a street stall.
A_C_F_PosePhoto Woman poses for photo.
A_C_F_PutBag Cashier puts products in a bag.
A_C_F_Read Sitting woman reads a book.
A_C_F_RockBabyCart Woman rocks baby stroller.
A_C_F_SitMobile Sitting woman looks at her mobile.
A_C_F_StandOnTipToe Woman stands on tiptoe to try to see something in the background.
A_C_F_StopTaxi Woman stops a taxi on the street.
A_C_F_TakeCommand Waitress takes a customer's order.
A_C_F_TakeFood Woman takes product from a shelf and puts it in the shopping cart.
A_C_F_TakeSelfie Woman takes a selfie.
A_C_F_Talk_02 Woman talks to someone.
A_C_F_TalkStreet_02 Walking woman passes someone and stops to talk.
A_C_F_Vape Woman vapes.
A_C_F_WaitBus Sitting woman waiting for the bus.
A_C_F_Walk Woman walks.
A_C_F_WalkBabyCart Woman walks with baby stroller.
A_C_F_WalkBag Woman walks with her hand on the handle of her bag.
A_C_F_WalkCold Woman walks in the cold.
A_C_F_WalkDog Mujer pasea a su perro.
A_C_F_WalkLaugh_01 Woman walks while laughing holding someone's arm.
A_C_F_WalkQuick Woman walks quickly.
A_C_F_WalkSensual Sensual walking woman.
A_C_F_WalkShopping_01 Woman walks with shopping bags.
A_C_F_WalkShopping_02 Woman walks with bags through a town market.
A_C_F_WalkStumbler Woman walks and trips.
A_C_F_WalkSuitcase Woman walks with a suitcase.
A_C_F_WalkTalkMobile Woman walks talking on the cell phone.
A_C_M_DistributeAdvertising Man distributes advertising on the street.
A_C_M_DoYoga Man does yoga in the park.
A_C_M_Drink Man drinks a soft drink.
A_C_M_DrinkBeer Sitting man drinks beer from a glass.
A_C_M_Drive Man drives.
A_C_M_DriveTraffic Police man drives traffic.
A_C_M_Eat_01 Hombre comiendo en un restaurante come y charla.
A_C_M_FeedPigeons_01 Man in the park feeds the pigeons.
A_C_M_GrabBusBar Man grabs the bus bar.
A_C_M_Greet Man greets.
A_C_M_GreetDate_01 Man turns around when he sees his date.
A_C_M_HandsUp Excited man raises his hands.
A_C_M_Idle Idle hombre.
A_C_M_Jogging Man runs.
A_C_M_LeanWall Man leans on the wall waiting for someone.
A_C_M_LieDown Man lies down in the park.
A_C_M_OrderFood_02 Customer asks waitress for order.
A_C_M_PaintGraffiti Man paints a graffiti.
A_C_M_PayShopping Man with soda in hand pays for it.
A_C_M_PlayKite Child plays with kite.
A_C_M_PourGasoline Man pours gasoline into the car.
A_C_M_RideBike Man rides a bike.
A_C_M_RunBackPack Boy runs holding his backpack because he is late for class.
A_C_M_RunTired Man runs tired and stops to breathe.
A_C_M_ServeClient Man serves customer from his street stall.
A_C_M_SitDrunk_01 Drunk sitting man talks and laughs with someone.
A_C_M_SitDrunk_02 Drunk sitting man talks and laughs with someone.
A_C_M_SitVape Seated man smokes from a vaper.
A_C_M_SoccerGoalKeeper Boy plays as a goalkeeper.
A_C_M_TakePhoto Man takes photo.
A_C_M_Talk_01 Man talks to someone.
A_C_M_TalkMobile Sitting man talks on the mobile.
A_C_M_TalkStreet_01 Walking man passes someone and stops to talk.
A_C_M_ThrowBall Man throws ball to his dog.
A_C_M_ThrowTrash Man throws away the trash.
A_C_M_Vape Man vapes.
A_C_M_WaitBus Man waits for the bus.
A_C_M_WaitIdleBus Boy waits for the bus holding his mother's hand.
A_C_M_Walk Man walks.
A_C_M_WalkCool Cool man walks.
A_C_M_WalkDrink_01 Man walks drinking.
A_C_M_WalkDrunk Drunk man walks.
A_C_M_WalkHandPocket Man walks with his hands in his pockets.
A_C_M_WalkLaugh_02 Man walks while laughing holding someone's arm.
A_C_M_WalkMobile Man walks writing with his mobile.
A_C_M_WalkQuick Man walks quickly.
A_C_M_WalkSearch Man walks searching a street with his cell phone.
A_C_M_WalkWalkingStick Man walks with a walking stick.
We hope you enjoy the pack and if you have any question/queries please contact us :
Features: 93 motion capture animations city themed. Include body and fingers animations. +20 minutes of animation.
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations: 93
Animation types: Root Motion/In-place
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes