Melee Weapon Pack

ButterJelly - 武器 - 2024/09/01

Close combat weapon models. Great for any choice of games from Survival focused games to action games.

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    5.1 - 5.4
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Close combat weapon models. Great for any choice of games from Survival focused games to action games.

Weapons Ranging from Kitchen knives to Axes and even a Cane Sword



  •  8 Knives
  •  2 Axes and 1 Hatchet
  •  A Cane Sword
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Screw Driver
  • One Wooden Bat and One Nailed Bat
  • Plumbers Wrench
  • Machete

Number of Unique Meshes: 18

Collision: Yes Auto Generated

Vertex Count: 112 - 3,650 - 12,380 Total

LODs: None

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

Number of Textures:

Texture Resolutions: 2 and 4k Textures

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes