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Dave Berg - 环境 - 2024/09/09

Auto-generated hanging vines to create detail rich custom foggy environments.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.0 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

Auto-generated hanging vines to create detail rich custom foggy environments.


Playlist of all my assets HERE

My other assets page HERE



  •  Blueprint that automatically generates hanging vines.
  •  Plants
  • Ground covers
  • Animated insect meshes
  •  Vine meshes for the BP
  • Branch meshes for the BP
  • Batches of leaves - meshes to cover the vine trunks in BP
  • Simple Trunk meshes for the BP
  • Day and dusk demo maps
  • Day and dusk fog FX
  • Water

Number of Unique Meshes: 37

Collision: generated in engine

Vertex Count:

  • Less than 100 on 18 meshes
  • Less than 1000 on 13 meshes
  • Less than 2300 on 6 meshes

LODs: No

Materials: 6 Material Instances: 12

Number of Textures: 16 (+12 vertex animation/normals textures)

Texture Resolutions:

5 x 1k

1 x 2k

10 x 4k

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Additional info:

  • When dragged to a level vines automatically find x closest other vine actors and randomly create connections.
  • A group name can be set so those actors with a same group name find each others only.
  • "Visible to others" variable defines if any other vine actor can create connections
  • Lots of other variables to edit for trunks, vines, bugs, branches etc.

TIP! Once happy with a group of vine actors merging them to a static mesh will boost performance.