This is a dynamic Archer combo animation set. There are 5 Combo Sets and 3 Skills. It is made up of very aggressive motions. Dummy FX for launching position is included. It is not genuine FX. If necessary, it can hide mesh.
Retargeting to UE5 Mannequin (Video)
If you purchase the Frank Pack or Slash Pack, you can keep more assets at a lower price.
<Update Soon>
1.3 = 8way run, Root animation of Air motion added.
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 2
Number of Animations: 67 RM + 59 IP
Important/Additional Notes: FX Mesh for FX position reference has been added. Please note that it is not a real FX.