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Editor Plus - Editor Toolkits

Disenone - 代码插件 - 2024/03/07

Easy to Extend editor menu; ClassBrowser easy to browser All UObject Class info; MenuCollection easy to find and save Menu Command; SlateResourceBrowser easy to find slate resources including icon, color, font, widgetstyle.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.1 - 5.4
  • 下载类型


EditorPlus is a UE editor plugin that provides a convenient way to extend the editor menu and supports advanced methods of extension, while also including some useful editor tools such as ClassBrowser, MenuCollection, SlateResourceBrowser.

Documentation: Link




  •  Convenient way to extend the editor menu
  •  Advanced way to extend the editor menu
  •  ClassBrowser: easily to browser All UObject Class Info
  • MenuCollection: easily to Find / Save editor menu Commands
  • SlateResourceBrowser: easily to Browser Slate Resources, including icon, color, font, widgetstyle, and how to use it.

Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))

  •  EditorPlus: Editor
  •  EditorPlusTools: Editor

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 20+

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: (Win64, Mac)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Win64, Mac)

Documentation: Link


Example Project: None

Important/Additional Notes: None