

PROTOFACTOR INC - 角色 - 2018/04/23
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***Included Inside Elemental Dragons Pack*** Here is the desert dragon, perfect match to blend in an arid environment with its sand-ish skin tone.

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    4.15 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
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***Included Inside Elemental Dragons Pack*** Here is the desert dragon, perfect match to blend in an arid environment with its sand-ish skin tone.

Geometry is 23.92 Ktris. Rig is 96 bones and is set to mecanim generic. Model uses 1 material with 4096*4096 textures.

 The package offers support for both PBR and Legacy shaders.

The pack includes a set of 30 animations (5 being root motion variations).

Sketchfab 3D Viewer

Intended for PC / MAC and latest Gen consoles

***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for November 2018***

Check out PROTOFACTOR INC's other products here: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/profile/PROTOFACTOR+INC


Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters: 12 K

Texture Resolutions: 4096

Number of Animations: 30

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Root Motion (5) and In Place (25)

Engine Compatibility: UNREAL ENGINE // 4.15.3 And Up

Intended Platform: Desktop PC / MAC / XBox1 / PS4

Platforms Tested: PC

Documentation Included: No

Important\Additional Notes: None