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Cute Homes Backgrounds

3D Virtualand - 二维资源 - 2024/09/11

This product contains 60 16:9 Widescreen Cute Homes Backgrounds images for games, films and virtual productions.

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This product contains 60 16:9 Widescreen Cute Homes Backgrounds images for games, films and virtual productions.

Created with paid AI.

All our AI products have lots of work and fixes made by us.



  • This product can be used as backgrounds, references, in virtual productions, UIs, loading screens, etc.
  • 10 ChimneyStoneCabin images.
  • 10 HouseTreeFatRoot images.
  • 10 HouseTreeRootT images.
  • 10 MushroomHouse images.
  • 10 TreeMossyFairyHouses images.
  • 10 WitchHut images.
  • Not transparency.

Number of Textures: 60

Texture Resolutions:

60 Textures of 4096x2341 pixels (Widescreen 16:9)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes.

Mac: No

Demo Video: https://youtu.be/nrRNlWsgThw

Important/Additional Notes: