Cloud Creator using Niagara Fluids

Coreb Games - 特效 - 2024/08/09

22+ Fully Functional and Interactive Fluid Cloud Creator

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  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.3 - 5.4
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This pack contains interactive and customizable Cloud Creator using Niagara Fluids. Our latest release includes Fully Functional 5+ Cloud Creator BP Examples ( Basic, Skeletal Mesh Based Cloud, Static Mesh Based Cloud, Spline Cloud, Texture Based Cloud ) with 22+ Niagara Systems with 3+ Niagara Modules and 7+ Effect Reference Textures. SKM, SM, Texture Based Cloud Creator effects are compatible with your model(Static Mesh, Skeletal Mesh, 2D Texture ) and adjust niagara parameters(Color, Opacity, Albedo, Scale, Base Model, Texture, etc.), so we believe you can easily create new Cloud visual effects with your contents.



  • 5+ Type Cloud Creator ( Basic, Skeletal Mesh Based, Static Mesh Based, Spline, Texture Based )
  • 22+ Niagara Systems with 3+ Niagara Modules
  • 7+ Effect Reference Textures

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of Images and Textures: 7

Number of Niagara Systems: 22

Number of Niagara Modules: 3

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

LODs: No

Texture Resolutions: 512

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows