Beam VFX Pack - High Quality

ugurVFX - 特效 - 2024/02/28

A new VFX will be created and updated every 5 ratings! 40 High Quailty Niagara | Beam VFX

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

There are 40 BEAM VFX in this package, 20 of them are vfx that do not have an infinite duration, and 20 of them are Beam VFX that deal instant damage. and the Blueprint system, which hits every object it encounters, is a system that you can directly integrate into your game and update to suit your own project. Likewise, we offer you a parameter system where you can easily change the color.

If there is a problem, you can reach us via e-mail.

[email protected]



Video Trailer: Preview

Type of Emitters: CPU

Windows: Yes


Niagara Particle System

Easy Recoloring

Easy Editing

User parameter

21 Blueprint

20 Infinite Beam VFX

20 Burst Beam VFX


9 Static Meshes 

10 Main Material

60 Inst Material

35 Texture

Texture Size: 512x4096

1 VFX_Map