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Advanced Shooter SFX - All in One

Top Gun Int. - 音效 - 2024/05/23

Get your hands on the trigger and take hold of this great collection of Advanced SFX for your shooter game: 82 different weapons coming as well as Vehicles, Props, Physics, Explosions and ANYTHING ELSE, everything you need to spice up your shooter

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    5.0 - 5.4
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🔊 Listen to the Preview Here

🔊 Listen to the Weapon Preview Here

THIS. IS. HUGE! Finally Advanced Shooter SFX - All in One here! Great and biggest collection of sounds for any shooter.

This is All-In-One pack of Advanced Shooter introduces the all elements of shooter games - Weapons, Character Sounds, Gadgets, Physics, Soundscape, Vehicles, Voice Lines. Each category divided into the sections, with more than 5000 high-polished SFX!

📄Includes 7 main categories, 61 sub-categories and thousands of different types sounds, like Character sounds, Breathing, Engine, Weapons, Foley, Enviroment, Physics and etc. Each category has over 600 sounds.📄

📄 Weapons:📄

  • AK74 - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Suppressor, Core, Mechanical.
  • AKM - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Suppressor, Core, Mechanical.
  • M16 - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Core, Mechanical.
  • Makarov - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Suppressor, Core, Mechanical, Reflection
  • MK14 - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Suppressor, Core, Mechanical, Reflection.
  • Pistol - Distance, Foley, Indoor, Loop, Outdoor, Suppressor, Core, Mechanical, Reflection
  • Hydra 70 - one of the weapon from future parts, launch sounds.
  • NEW! 9MM weapons - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson.
  • NEW! LVAW - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload.
  • NEW! M4-45 - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload, Mid Shots, Mechanical, Draw.
  • NEW! MP6 - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload.
  • NEW! MK14 - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload, Mid Shots, Mechanical, Draw.
  • NEW! SLR - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload, Mid Shots, Mechanical, Draw.
  • NEW! Striker - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload, Mid Shots, Mechanical, Draw.
  • NEW! Pistol - Close range, Shell drops, Distant range and Distance reflection, Suppresson, Foley, Reload, Mid Shots, Mechanical, Draw.

📄 Character:📄

  • Ammo sounds - Ammo pickup, Check ammo, Foley.
  • Foley - Body fall, Stand Gear, Vault Hand On.
  • Footsteps - Carpet, Concrete, Deep Run, Deep Sprint, Dirt, Grass, Grit, Land, Metal Grate, Mud, Puddle, Sand, Shallow, Shuffle Step, Solid Metal, Wood Creak
  • Gear - Equipment, Gas Mask, Gear Foley, Jump, Land, Resupply.
  • Gore - Bloodspray, Headshot, Large, Medium, Small, Ragdoll Flame.
  • Movement - Crawl Sounds, Crouch, Jump, Lean, Slide - each movement has more than 9 different surfaces.
  • Vocal - Focus Exhale, Inhale, Heartbeat.
  • Weapon - ADS, Knife, Magazine, Pistol, Rifle, Speed Reload, Surface Hit (Holster, Draw, Melee Attacks, Scavenge, Pin-pull, etc.)

📄 Gadget:📄

  • Artillery, C4, Drone, Flashlight, Grenade Drone, Grenade Flash, Laser, Night Vision, Optic Magnifier, Radio, RPG, Smoke Launcher, TM62, Turret, UB3257
  • Lethal Equipment - Grenade, Molotov, IED Detonator.
  • Grenade - Draw, Throw, Pin-pull, Holster, Explosion
  • Molotov - Lighter, Throw, Draw
  • Each Gadget has over 100 sounds.

📄 Physics:📄

  • Ammo - 9MM, 45ACP, 50CAL, 308, 556, 762, Shotgun. Each has over 5 different surfaces
  • Bounce - Grenade, LMG, M1Garand. Each has over 5 different surfaces.
  • Breakable - Glass, Pillar, Props, Sand, Trash, Water Cooler, Wood
  • Doors - Lock, Unlock, Metal Door, Kick, Open.
  • Impact - Body, Props, Carpet, Fruits, Foliage, Glass, Grass, Gravel, Kevlar, Metal, Metal Prop, Vehicle, Weapon, Wood, Player, Mud
  • Interaction - Foliage interaction, Slow Interaction
  • Loop - Emergency Sprinkler, Fire Barrel, Fire Loop
  • Mag Drop - LMG, Rifle, Sidearm, SMG.
  • Other - Air Con, C4 Bounce, Fan Blade Creak, Flare shell bounce, Survival Crate.
  • Weapon Drop - Physical Weapon Drop Sidearm, Rifle.

📄 Soundscape:📄

  • Canyon - Bird Chorus, Canyon Cave, Cockrel, Contact Outdoor, Desert Bird, Distant Dog, Flies, Metal Creaks, Night Crickets, Frogs, Owl, Windgust
  • Ministry - Passby, Distance Explosions, City Traffic, Lobby, Outdoor Horn, Parking Garage, Stairwell
  • Mountain - Crows, Distant Guns, Ambient, Wind
  • Universal - Hawk Cry, Building Collapse, Cold Wind ambient, Lift Cables, Metal Stress Verb.

📄 Vehicles:📄

  • General - Horn, Crash Large, Explode Debris, Mirror Break off, Windshield, Fire Loop, Fire Heavy, Wheel Surface Sounds, Modular Fire Light, Tyre, Fire base
  • Helicopter - Helicopter crash, Explosion, Debris, Damage Distant, Door Motion, Internal ambient, Engine, Rotors
  • MR800 - Engine, Water Wake Splashes, Engine load start, end, loop.
  • Russian Transport - Gaz Door, Exterior engine, Exterior exhaust, Handbrake, Engine acceleration, Interior Engine sounds, Truck accelerator, Pedal on/off, Truck ambience, Gear Level, Suspension heavy/light
  • Technical Large/Small - Car internal ambient, Hillux Door Open/Close, Exterior Engine, Pedal, Pickup Gear, Strain, Suspension, Exhaust accelerator.
  • US Transport - M939 door close/open, Foot brake, Engine Sounds, Turbo mode, Suspension.

📄 Voice Lines:📄

  • Female Stamina Gas Mask - Breath Inhale Light/Heavy, Medium, Gas Mask Breath Exhale Light/Heavy, Gas Mask Inhale
  • Male Stamina Gas Mask - Breath Inhale Light/Heavy, Medium, Gas Mask Breath Exhale Light/Heavy, Gas Mask Inhale

Rock & Loaded, Sir! One of the best part of this collection not only in basic sounds, but also environments, physics, props, foley, voice lines, a lot of vehicle types, different surfaces and much, much more!


Number of Audio Waves: 5007

Number of Audio Cues: 5007

Sample rate / bit rate: 96000 Hz/ 1536 kbps

Do Sound FX loop: Some of them are intended

Minutes of audio provided: 14 hours, 833 minutes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: https://soundcloud.com/ishodus-studio/advanced-shooter-sfx-weapons-part-one?si=3ac86e31f17b43bf8363a82a3b4bb7c1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

Important/Additional Notes: Thank for your interest in this!
