Demonstration video: VFX 6x6 Demonstration
37 Niagara systems, that can be described as 6 elements in 6 types of effects.
All effects are scalable, so you can change scale vector of niagara system or change user parameter to change size. Also you can change color (materials use gradient maps or LUTs, so to change it completely you better make own gradient, but still, there is an easy option to control color of whole effect, just not so precise).
For beams there are parameters for end points, and time control over thickness, so you can adjust them to your liking. Curve for time control you can change in system parameter of niagara system.
All effects are optimized and can be used easily for any PC/Console project, but not for mobile.
Why 37? Because there 2 different Air Particles effects. Lightning and sparks.
Type of Emitters: Niagara, CPU and GPU
Number of Unique Effects: 37
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials: 44
Number of Material Instances: 76
Number of Material Functions: 3
Number of Textures: 57
Number of Unique Meshes: 11
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes