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Sci-Fi Jump Bike 3 (Model and Animations)

평점 없음

Add a recumbent style bike to your sci fi games!

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.

Demo Video: https://youtu.be/F_KweoLbgZo

This pack contains the meshes and animations to add a Recumbent style Sci Fi Jump Bike to your game. With multiple meshes to kit out your ride and alter the colors, you will be ready to add a personal vehicle to your game. Along side these meshes are multiple animations for the Jump Bike including various mounts and dismounts as well as pistol animaitons in case you get into a jam and need to shoot your way out!

기술적 세부사항

Features: 23 total animations and 18 poses (2 aim offset blend spaces)

  •  Mount: 4
  •  Dismount: 2
  •  Boost: 4
  • Idles: 3
  • Pistol: 2 equid, 2 holster, 1 fire, 1 idle and 2 aim offsets
  • Turning: 2

Number of Animations:

Animation types: In Place

Vertex Counts of Characters: 11,293 total vertices

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Materials and 7 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 17 textures

Texture Resolutions: 2040 x 2048

Supported Development Platforms: All

Documentation: https://youtu.be/F_KweoLbgZo