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Runtime Nav Area Modifiers

Enhance Unreal Engine navigation with dynamic, runtime-modifiable Nav Areas. Supports complex convex shapes, static meshes, splines, and PCG ISMs and points

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  • 다운로드 유형
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Transform your project's navigation capabilities with the URuntimeNavModifierComponent for Unreal Engine.

Key Features:

  • Utilize complex convex shapes for navigation areas, far surpassing the limitations of Unreal's native BrushBuilders, which are restricted to basic editor functionalities.
  • Use a Static Mesh's simple collision, an arbitrary set of points or spline components to modify the nav mesh with Nav Areas. Perfect for creating detailed, obstacle-laden terrains or convex shaped zones.
  • Fully compatible with Unreal’s native PCG systems, allowing for navigation areas that evolve with your procedural landscapes or architecture with much higher efficiency than spawning individual NavModifierVolume actors.

The plugin is designed for high interactivity projects such as dynamic strategy games, immersive simulation systems, or any scenario where the game world is in constant flux. This tool provides the flexibility to create a responsive and adaptive gaming experiences.

Check out the documentation

기술적 세부사항


  •  Support for various data sources including Static Meshes, Instanced Static Meshes, and Spline Components.
  •  Compatibility with procedural content generation for dynamic game environments.
  •  Ability to handle complex and convex shapes with precise navigation control.

Code Modules:

  •  RuntimeNavAreaModifiers (Runtime)

Plugin Dependencies:

  •  PCG (Native Engine Plugin)

Number of PCG Blueprint Elements: 2

C++ Classes:

  • URuntimeNavModifierComponent
  • URuntimeNavDataComponent
  • URuntimeNavModStatics

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Runtime Navigation Modifiers Plugin Documentation

Important/Additional Notes: This feature is built on top of the native unreal engine Nav Mesh module