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Realistic Firstperson Horror Template

Unleash true horror in your games with the Realistic Firstperson Horror Template for Unreal Engine.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    5.3 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    전체 프로젝트
    이 제품은 언리얼 엔진 프로젝트 전체 폴더와 함께 환경 설정 파일, 콘텐츠 파일 및 .uproject 파일을 포함하고 있으며 새로운 프로젝트를 생성할 때 템플릿으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Introducing the Realistic Firstperson Horror Template for Unreal Engine – a comprehensive package designed to elevate game environments.

Realistic Movement:

Fluid and responsive motion for an immersive experience.

Realistic Camera Effects:

Camera shakes dynamically during walking, running, and idle for added realism.

Realistic Camera Zoom System:

Precision zoom with corresponding sound effects.

Look Behind and Exit System:

Capability to look behind and exit scenes with E and Q keys.

Ultra Realistic Footstep System:

Customizable footsteps with varied sounds in different situations.

Realistic Flashlight and Nightvision:

Realistic lighting options for nighttime gameplay.

Stamina System:

Manage energy levels for a more realistic experience.

Sharpness Postprocess:

Adjustable post-process settings for intense visual effects.

Ultra Sharpness Body Cam Effect:

Shocking visuals with the Body Cam effect.

Customizable Features:

Toggle on/off all mentioned features.

Footstep and Camera Shake Customization:

Add unlimited footsteps and customize camera shakes.

기술적 세부사항

| Preview & Tutorial |

  •  Realistic Movement
  •  Realistic Camera Shake
  •  Realistic Camera Zoom System
  • Look Behind System
  • Ultra Realistic Footstep System
  • Realistic Flashlight and Nightvision
  • Stamina System
  • Sharpness Postprocess
  • Body Cam Effect
  • Customizable Features
  • Footstep and Camera Shake Customization

Number of Blueprints: 4+

Input: (Keyboard, Mouse)

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Important/Additional Notes:

All assets used in this project belong to YANATE and all changes made by this group.

There is no character in the thumbnail in the product.