Platformer Starter Pack

Platfunner - 배경 - 2016/06/29

"Platformer Starter Pack" Is a pack of light weight triple-A assets allowing users to easily and quickly make levels for 2d/3d platforming games.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.10 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.


"Platformer Starter Pack" is a robust and complete collection of assets to assist you in making or prototyping your own 2d/3d platforming games. Assets come in variety of sizes that easily clip together allowing you to make diverse levels in a matter of minutes. Easily customize Wood, Plastic and metals shaders to quickly change the look and add a personal touch to your creations.

Combine this pack with our other packs for even more assets and let your imagination run free

***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for May 2019***

Check out Platfunner's other products here:

기술적 세부사항

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: 13x (2048x2048) 17x (1024x1024) 3x (512x512)
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count: Majority of models are under 300 triangles
Number of Meshes: 107 static meshes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 31 materials including Color variations
Number of Textures: 34

Intended Platform: Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows