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Live Level Design

Liam HERON - 블루프린트 - 2022/01/11
평점 없음

Live Level Design is a dynamic Editor Utility Widget that changes based on what your doing within the editor

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    4.25 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.

The predecessor to Level Design Tool Kit is Live Level Design. This asset takes some of the key features from LDTK and compacts it into small and dynamically changing EUW.

Only tools that can currently be used will be displayed. For example the "Calculate Distance" tool requires 2 actors to be selected. So if 1 or 3+ actors are selected, the "Calculate Distance" button is hidden to prevent culter on screen. The same principle is applied to all tools. This results in buttons only being displayed on the EUW when they can be used.

Demonstation Video

Note: The EUW requires the "Editor Scripting Utilities" plugin. The GIF below shows you how to do this if you haven't already.


How to open the Live Level Design EUW

기술적 세부사항


  • Select an thousands of SMs and or actors with 1 click of a button
  • Hide and unhide a lot of SMs and or actors in your scene
  • Spline based mesh placer
  • Straight line mesh placer
  • Alignment tool
  • Line of sight tool (useful for shooter games)
  • Calculate distances between 2 static meshes and or actors
  • Grid snap tool
  • Set the rotation to a specific value or a randomized value between 0 and your own inputted value
  • Isolate selected static meshes and or actors to make working in large scenes a lot easier!
  • Bulk move, rotate and scale actors in your scene on the X, Y or Z axis
  • Check if a mesh is floating in the air

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of Editor Utility Widgets: 1

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Documentation: A lot of the documentation on how the EUW works is implemented in the provided demo level. Content Browser -> Live Level Design -> DemoRoom -> Maps -> "Example Map"