Introducing our premium collection of 50 meticulously crafted 3D kitchen accessories for Unreal Engine 5. Each model in this collection is fully optimized for UE5, ensuring seamless integration with Lumen.
See assets in this short video: Kitchen Pack 01 - 3d models for Unreal Engine 5 (
Key Features:
Perfect for game developers, archviz professionals, and 3D artists, this collection is your go-to solution for creating stunning kitchen scenes in Unreal Engine 5.
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Number of Unique Meshes: 76
Collision: Yes, automatic
Vertex Count: 447k
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 106
Number of Textures: 368
Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions): 4k
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Important/Additional Notes: This product uses plugins (shipped with Unreal Engine 5): Movie Render Pipeline Plugin, HDR Backdrop and is lit with Lumen. Link to Lumen documentation: Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections | Epic Developer Community (