Body: 4096x4096 px.
Clotches parts: 4096x4096 px - 512x512 px.
Eya/Pupil/Hair: 2048x2048 px.
Pupil: 1024x1024 px.
Be sure to read the documentation before using the 3D model.
Video Animation Preview: https://youtu.be/ehceJjepjqo
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Animated: No
Number of Animations: No
Animation types: In-place 0
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 57086
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 22 and 10
Number of Textures: 78
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096 px; 2048x2048 px; 1024x1024 px.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: https://slavograd.notion.site/Kinetic-Specter-d6fde347ce8a41f29af81d704fb7411d?pvs=25
Important/Additional Notes: Check out the video instruction before retargeting. A list of additional bones can be found in the documentation. The symbol on the cloak and armor was drawn by the author, any resemblance to existing logos or drawings is accidental.