Japanese Holographic Neon Cyberpunk Sign Set

YD Visual - 소품 - 2024/03/02

Set of Japanese neon signs for a cyberpunk type environment.

  • 지원 플랫폼
  • 지원 엔진 버전
    5.1 - 5.4
  • 다운로드 유형
    에셋 팩
    이 제품은 기존 프로젝트에 임포트 가능한 언리얼 엔진 에셋의 모음을 포함하고 있습니다.

Japanese neon holographic signs

MapOverview: All vertical signs

MapOverview2: All horizontal signs

Adjust the holographic appearance with the MI_Holo_* materials !

To get the glow effect I used:

Post Process Volume:

Bloom: Standard, Intensity = 4.0, Threshold = 0.0

Infinite Extent (Unbound): True

Japanese Characters:

"入口", # 1. Entrance - Iriguchi

"出口", # 2. Exit - Deguchi

"非常口", # 3. Emergency Exit - Hijouguchi

"営業中", # 4. Open for Business - Eigyouchuu

"定休日", # 5. Regular Holiday/Closed Day - Teikyuubi

"駐車場", # 6. Parking Lot - Chuushajou

"禁煙", # 7. No Smoking - Kin'en

"男性", # 8. Men - Dansei

"女性", # 9. Women - Josei

"交番", # 10. Police Box - Koban

"待合室", # 11. Waiting Room - Machiaishitsu

"案内所", # 12. Information Desk - Annaijo

"予約受付", # 13. Reservation Accepted - Yoyaku Uketsuke

"荷物預かり", # 14. Luggage Storage - Nimotsu Azukari

"地下鉄", # 15. Subway - Chikatetsu

"避難所", # 16. Evacuation Area - Hinanjo

"速度制限", # 17. Speed Limit - Sokudo Seigen

"入浴禁止", # 18. No Bathing - Nyuyoku Kinshi

"立入禁止", # 19. No Entry - Tachiiri Kinshi

"銀行", # 20. Bank - Ginkou

"病院", # 21. Hospital - Byouin

"薬局", # 22. Pharmacy - Yakkyoku

"公園", # 23. Park - Kouen

"図書館", # 24. Library - Toshokan

"学校", # 25. School - Gakkou

"市役所", # 26. City Hall - Shiyakusho

"美術館", # 27. Art Museum - Bijutsukan

"映画館", # 28. Cinema - Eigakan

"自動販売機", # 29. Vending Machine - Jidouhanbaiki

"無料", # 30. Free (of charge) - Muryou

"トイレ", # 31. Toilet - Toire

"メニュー", # 32. Menu - Menyū

"タクシー", # 33. Taxi - Takushī

"エスカレーター", # 34. Escalator - Esukarētā

"エレベーター", # 35. Elevator - Erebētā

"コンビニ", # 36. Convenience Store - Konbini

"スーパー", # 37. Supermarket - Sūpā

"レストラン", # 38. Restaurant - Resutoran

"カフェ", # 39. Cafe - Kafe

"ホテル", # 40. Hotel - Hoteru

"サービスエリア", # 41. Service Area (on highways) - Sābisueria

"パーキング", # 42. Parking - Pākingu

"セール", # 43. Sale - Sēru

"クリーニング", # 44. Cleaning (dry cleaners) - Kurīningu

"コインランドリー", # 45. Coin Laundry - Koinrandorī

"フリー", # 46. Free

"キャッシュカード", # 47. Cash Card (ATM card) - Kyasshukādo

"アウトレット", # 48. Outlet (as in shopping outlet) - Autoretto

"フードコート", # 49. Food Court - Fūdokōto

"ロビー", # 50. Lobby - Robī

"ビール", # 51. Beer - Bīru

기술적 세부사항

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Japanese vertical holographic signs.
  •  Japanese horizontal holographic signs.
  •  Mix of Kanji characters and Katakana(phonetic) signs.
  • Two maps one for each: vertical signs, horizontal signs
  • Two small stands you can put the signs on.

Number of Unique Meshes: 104

Collision: Yes, automatically generated simple collision, and complex per-poly.

Vertex Count: 109,225

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 Materials, 11 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 3

Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024 (Diff, Normal, Roughness)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: N/A

Important/Additional Notes: N/A