Heist music with organ, Rhodes, bass, and drums blends funky, groove-driven rhythms with a cool, jazzy sophistication.
Heist music with organ, Rhodes, bass, and drums blends funky, groove-driven rhythms with a cool, jazzy sophistication.
DEMO: https://yellaumbrellamusic.sourceaudio.com/album/11263547
Track List:
Big Schemes
Double Agent
Quick Getaway
Secret Intel
Shadow Play
The Break In
The Escape
The Heist
The Plan
Number of Audio Wavs: 10
Number of Audio Cues: 10
Sample rate/bit rate: (16bit/44,100 Hz)
Does music loop: (No)
Minutes of audio provided: 22
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)