22 effects for realistic games (15 complete spells with main and casting effects) and 16 high quality SFX
The asset includes 14 unique realistic effects with SFX!
You can easily scale these Niagara effects using only 1 scaling value. You can check this in the end of showcase video.
Half of craters are made in 2 variants: decals like in "Valorant" game or just simple plane particles.
3 of 14 effects use Blueprints for collision detection and spawning.
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Features: 22 effects for realistic games (15 complete spells with main and casting effects) with SFX.
Type of Emitters: CPU | Ribbon | Mesh Emitters
Number of Niagara Systems: 22
LODs: No
Number of Textures: 86
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 90 + 7 materials for demo scene
Number of Material Functions: 1
Number of Unique Meshes: 26
Number of Blueprints: 4
Number of Sounds: 16
Number of Audio cues: 16
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobiles | Consoles | VR | WEB
Additional Notes: Distortion particles are enabled by default, but you can disable them in the Niagara systems for mobiles. Craters are made in 2 variants: simple sprites and custom Niagara decals. Decals are disabled by default.
You can regulate Swords or Lightning number throw Niagara system.