Unreal Engine マーケットプレイスは 10月中旬に Fab に移行されます。 さらに詳しく

UCreate - Mesh Multi Deform

Deform any mesh quickly and non - destructively.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    5.1 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

OVERVIEW VIDEO - Examples of use with my other pack

The Mesh Multi Deform blueprint is a versatile tool for mesh deformation with four distinct deform types:


You can apply these deformations individually or combine them to create a diverse range of effects.

The tool works non - destructively, allowing for quick iterations on the fly and therefore is an interesting addition for build-in modelling tools in Unreal.

IMPORTANT: In order to use the functionality of the blueprint, you have to enable "Procedural Content Generation Framework" - PCG - plugin.

While the blueprint is compatible with UE 5.1 and above, it is recommended to use version 5.2 or later due to the beta status of the PCG plugin in UE 5.1. This ensures a more stable and reliable experience when utilizing the blueprint.



  •  Adjustable tessellation levels
  •  Visualized pivot point of deformers
  •  Optional combining of deformers
  • Organized variables and blueprint nodes
  • Optional material change

Number of Blueprints: 1

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not tested

Linux: Not tested