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PostApo Car Wrecks vol. 01

5 PostApo Abondoned Car Wrecks. Color customization possibile

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.20 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

Video: https://youtu.be/fbemy2JbcYU

Hi everyone!

This time something about PostApo.

5 car models. I wanted these vehicles not destroyed by fire or explosion but abandoned. The paint has peeled off, leaving a rusty stain. The shock absorbers lost their pressure, the tires crashed, and the interior was overgrown with fungus. I was inspired by The Walking Dead series and the world presented in The Last of Us.

Technical matters:

The package contains 5 car models.

City car



Van with opened cargo doors-


Models do not include any brand markings.

The cars are quite low poly. I tried to emphasize the small details of the body with the normal map.

In these models, I did not foresee the possibility of getting inside. For this reason, the interior is very simplified. However, in the case of the van, the transport section is open and accessible.

You can freely change the color of the car body. You just need to change the standard material to CUSTOM material. Example

M_PCW_01_Sedan_Body -> M_PCW_01_Body_Sedna_CUSTOM.

Each car consists of the following elements:

  • Body
  • Plastics
  • Interior
  • Chromes
  • Glass
  • Lamps

I divided them by materials.

In the Geometry / Car_Blueprints folder you will find already assembled cars for easy use.

I hope you will like this package.

Let me know what other vehicles you would like to find in the next editions. I am open to suggestions


Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  5 models of abandoned, rusted cars

Number of Unique Meshes: 41

Collision: Yes, simple box

Vertex Count: For Example FamilyVan 22k vertexes

LODs: (Yes/No) 4 level, auto-generated

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 45

Number of Textures: 3 per material

Texture Resolutions: 4096, 2048, 1024, 512

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Link (or a description of where users can find) the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: