Modular Gothic Temple Environment
You can see more high resolution images here:
80lv post:
Here is a video of the environment:
And here you can see some of the shaders working:
Brick Wall shader:
Columns shader:
Tree shader:
Let me know if you have a question: [email protected]
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Collision: Yes.
Lightmaps: Yes.
LODs: Yes. Depends on the asset from 1 to 3.
Number of Meshes: 133
Number of Materials: 28
Number of Material Instances: 115
Number of Textures: 173 (PBR workflow: BC, N, R, AO, C, NRAO, RHA) (4K, 2K, 1K, 512x512)
Number of Blueprints: 1 (lightshaft)
Number of Particles: 3 (fire, snow fall, smoke)
Number of Maps: 2 (GothicTemple and OverviewMap)
Supported Development & Target Platforms: Windows
* Unreal version: 4.25 or newer.
* Please read the file "READ_FIRST.txt" inside "\\Content\GothicTemple" after you download the package.
* The content cannot be redistributed or resold.