The Modular Barbarian pack comes with different Armoursets for Light Fantasy games
*** UE5 Update May 2022 ***
Converted to the Metahuman/UE5 Mannequin rig structure.
Ue4 Mannequin meshes are still included for existing costumers. Make sure to import your Metahuman tal nrw. Our Basebody is adjusted for the UE5 Mannequin to Fit the Metahumans as well.
The Modular Barbar pack comes with a male/female costume Set. This product will enhance your vision of a tribe - made for Light Fantasy games.
We plan to add Metahuman tal nrw support by the end of this year.
Multiple SK Itemgroups: hats, hairs, heads, chests are modular and ready to assemble your own barbarian/shaman/druid fighter.
Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. Each body part can be tweaked manually.
For compatibility to other asset packs (like carrying a sword and shield), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and main- and off-hand pivots are aligned to its handgrip. Main- and off-hand slots are also prepared in the Blueprints to receive your data. Based on "UE4 Manneqin Rig" template. See overview Map with Set Masterpose Component.
Character: 1 MasterBlueprint and 8 example NPC Blueprints.
Character Parts
~110 SK meshes
~ 100 PBR Textures: Albedo, normal, ORM (ambient Occlusion, Roughness, and Metallic) and tint masks
~60 Materials: Including 4 Master Materials for items and hairs
~ Textures: Mainly 2k textures with dress/chest base for 4K
Maps: 1 Overview
Other: UE4 Mannequin with slightly modified UE4 skeleton (added sockets)
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: YES + some adjustments on hand /headscale to fit our vision of barbaric proportions
Rigged: YES
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: No Animation included
Number of Characters: 40 parts
Vertex counts of characters: 30-60k
Morph targets –programming BP part prepared :
All glovers and Chests are shipped with basic morph positions The system is easily expandable to bring in your own creations if you'd like to change items dynamically - for your hero character
Check out Unreal documentation: