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Medieval Gates - Vol. 1


Game Ready Medieval Gates

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

High quality Medieval Gates in 4k, includes modular assets to build your own Castle and separate doors for easy animation setup.

The Gates can be used for movies, games or any other project.




  • Hand sculpted & painted
  • Low poly
  • 4k PBR
  • Realistic
  • Modular

Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes

UV mapped: Yes

Animations: No

Blueprints: No

Number of Gates: 7

Number of Static Meshes: 35

Number of Materials & Instances: 61

Number of Textures: 193

PBR: Yes

Texture Maps: 4K - Diffuse, Metallic, Roughness & Normal

Vertex count of Static Meshes:

SM_Gate_01_Door_L - 27, 725

SM_Gate_01_Door_R - 31, 515

SM_Gate_01_Wall - 56, 318

SM_Gate_02 - 308, 233

SM_Gate_02_DoorLarge_L - 69, 652

SM_Gate_02_DoorLarge_R - 77, 294

SM_Gate_02_DoorSmall_L - 77, 685

SM_Gate_02_DoorSmall_R - 65, 086

SM_Gate_02_Wall - 25, 579

SM_Gate_03_Fence - 20, 021

SM_Gate_03_Wall - 13, 730

SM_Gate_03_WallExtension - 13, 493

SM_Gate_04_Fence_L - 37, 533

SM_Gate_04_Fence_R - 25, 458

SM_Gate_04_Column_L - 15, 616

SM_Gate_04_Column_R - 15, 794

SM_Gate_05_Door_L - 25, 463

SM_Gate_05_Door_R - 26, 292

SM_Gate_05_WallMain - 12, 267

SM_Gate_05_Extension_L - 2, 960

SM_Gate_05_Extension_R - 2, 960

SM_Gate_05_Extension_T - 4, 513

SM_Gate_05_Bridge - 29, 078

SM_Gate_05_Tower_L - 18, 099

SM_Gate_05_Tower_R - 23,409

SM_Gate_05_Torch_L_Hand - 6, 904

SM_Gate_05_Torch_R_Hand - 6, 883

SM_Gate_05_Torch_Staff - 4, 062

SM_Gate_06_Door - 29, 842

SM_Gate_06_Wall - 11, 697

SM_Gate_07_Door_L - 15, 635

SM_Gate_07_Door_R - 14, 036

SM_Gate_07_Pillar_L - 7, 159

SM_Gate_07_Pillar_R - 6, 493