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Inline Styling Decorator for Rich Text Block

Allows inline styling of text using tags, supporting functionality that used to exist in the engine pre-4.20

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.20 - 4.27, 5.0
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    エンジン プラグイン
    この製品には、コード プラグインが含まれており、ビルド済みのバイナリと Unreal Engine に統合される全ソースコードが完備されています。任意のエンジン バージョンにインストールし、プロジェクト毎に有効化することが可能です。

This is a decorator for the RichTextBlock widget in engine version 4.20 and later.

Before Unreal 4.20, the RichTextBlock existed as an experimental class with slightly different functionality by default.

Developers could add <span> tags inline around sections of text changing their font, size, color, and emphasis,.

As of 4.20, the new RichTextBlock functions differently by default in that developers must statically pre-define all of their styles in a data table, then use inline tags to determine which style should apply to different sections of text.

This is great for defining reusable styles which can be used across a project, but not so great when the styling needs to be generated dynamically.

This plugin takes Epic's original decorator from before 4.20 and exposes it to be usable with the new 4.20 RichTextBlock. Simply install the plugin and add the decorator class to any RichTextBlock widgets that you wish to use it with.

This allows the RichTextBlock to process <span> tags as it previously did, and any Projects using the old RichTextBlock that are upgrading to 4.20 can use this to re-enable the same styling behavior.



  •  Allows inline styling of text using <span> tags, supporting functionality that used to exist in the engine pre-4.20

Code Modules:

  •  RichTextBlockInlineDecorator, Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 4

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
