Unreal Engine マーケットプレイスは 10月中旬に Fab に移行されます。 さらに詳しく

The Immersive Template

An 3rd person interaction template focused on immersion with objects in the world.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    この製品には、Unreal Engine プロジェクトの完全なフォルダが含まれており、Config ファイル、コンテンツのファイル、.uproject ファイルが完備されています。新規プロジェクトを作成するためのテンプレートとして利用することができます。

This is a BLUEPRINT focused asset, so animations and other features are not the priority for me and will get touched up after main logic is built out. Please note I'm not a multiplayer expert, but it's set up to the best of my abilities. Currently experimental.

If using in 5.1+ and you can't move in the levels the asset comes with, import these into your project's input settings

🎮 Default Inputs Download 🎮

🌠 Last Updated 🌠 - 5/14/2024




DEMO | ALS x Immersive DEMO



  • 📦 Objects
  • Locations
  • Interactions
  • 💳 Key Cards & Automatic Doors
  • 🪑 Chairs
  • 🛌🏻 Bed
  • 👣 Footstep system (Lite version of 👣Footstep Sound Component👣)
  • 🏃🏻‍♂️ Locomotion system
  • 🚪 Doors


  • Use Hand IK (Left, Right, Both Hands)
  • Dynamically pick up based on height (High, Mid, Low)
  • Change holding animation per object
  • Perform full-body & upper-body animations if moving/still
  • Place & throw objects anywhere in the world
  • Specify position and spot to place objects
  • Locations will highlight object's color blue, red, or gold
  • Key card counter & automatic sliding door checking player's card amount
  • 3 types of chairs to sit/lie down
  • Additional actions with held objects
  • Crouch, crawl, sprint, roll (crouch & crawl includes overhead checks)


  1. 🤺65 animations
  2. 🖥 Basic UI
  3. 🗳 Example objects, meshes, and sound effects
  4. 📘 Made entirely with blueprints
  5. ♻ Works with UE4.27 - Current

**I plan to include many more mechanics with this template in future updates, so please expect price increases when they're added. I'm also more than happy to include requested features as long as they fit within the scope of immersion**


📘 Blueprints: 7 (Additional are for examples)

🎮Inputs: Default inputs + ones you can copy into your character

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes


  • Multiplayer is experimental so you will have to tweak some things to get it working perfectly
  • Simplest integration is to add to your project, delete the folder's skeleton, replace with yours, add inputs and component, 2 Hand socket

If you need any additional help, please feel free to email me, ask questions here, or reach out on 👾 Discord 👾