Fully Blueprint Exposed, Replicated Generic customization system for Any In-Game Customization items.
2024.1.6 Fix async load custom instance node lifetime.
2023.12.4 Add a default asset manager that called InitGlobalData of Gameplay Customization Manager to initialize.It's Necessary,Please see TECHNICAL INFORMATION below
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tdRvNJAyvE8Lfj3wBKORNn5Eojn1dnOL/view?usp=sharing
Temporary API Description: Gameplay Customization - Basic Tutorial of Structure & APIs. - YouTube
Sample Project (5.3,the Plugin needed!):https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r0Ilg-9jhRZ47nXFTxxhB6rUid3cMHsU/view?usp=sharing
This plugin is meant to aid you create a reliable customization/attachment system from Blueprint or C++ (No need to touch C++). If you're creating a game with customization, This gonna be help, or you're creating a customization system in a FPS game. This gonna be very useful. You only need to implement UI functionality with this plugin.
An advanced GameplayTag based customization system. Automatically async/sync load/unload assets, Customization Manager,Extensible Customization Fragments(Built-in fragments for stickers and meshes).Multiplayer Ready! FastArraySerializer...
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 0 (will be add in sample project)
Number of C++ Classes:15
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Win64,MacOS
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,MacOS
Important/Additional Notes:
Important : Remember to select CustomizationAssetManager to your AssetManager(In project setting)If you have your own asset manager,just call UGameplayCustomizationGlobals::Get().InitGlobalData(); after void YOURASSETMANAGER::StartInitialLoading()This is necessary to initialize gameplay customization manager,or some features will not be work!
If you want to access advanced features of gameplay customization manager,Documentation is necessary.Remember to enable replicates(enable bReplicateUseSubobjectList also recommend) in your actor that added GameplayCustomizationComponent if you would like to enable multiplayer support.
About the assets in sample project : AK Guns Asset Pack by styloo (itch.io) Extended Attachments : made by my friend Winnie. really thanks!