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Cursory: Easy Hardware Cursors

Load and switch between hardware cursors with ease.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.25 - 4.27, 5.0
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    エンジン プラグイン
    この製品には、コード プラグインが含まれており、ビルド済みのバイナリと Unreal Engine に統合される全ソースコードが完備されています。任意のエンジン バージョンにインストールし、プロジェクト毎に有効化することが可能です。

Cursory is a small plugin that allows you to load and manipulate hardware cursors at runtime with just a handful of plug-and-play Blueprint nodes.




Organize Custom Cursors with Tags

Built on top of the GameplayTags module, Cursory allows you to easily tag and categorize your cursors for more intuitive logic scripting.

Switch Between Standard and Custom Cursors Easily

Easily switch between standard and custom cursors. This allows you to define custom cursors for a more tailored gamer experience while retaining access to the standard platform cursors (textbeam, grab, etc.).

Use Temporary Cursors for Limited Scope Actions

Add temporary cursors for scoped events like hovering over an enemy, a pickup, or a widget, clicking an object, or entering a mini-game, and easily revert back to the base cursor once the event is over.



  • Define and tag custom hardware cursors in Project Settings 
  • Automatic loading of custom hardware cursors on game start
  • Hot reloading of custom hardware cursors in Editor
  • Preserves standard hardware cursors
  • Switch between standard and custom hardware cursors in Blueprints
  • Handle temporary cursors for scoped events (hover, click, etc.)
  • Supports .ani, .cur (Windows), .tiff (MacOS), and .png (Linux) cursors

Code Modules:

  •  Cursory (Runtime) 

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of C++ Classes: 6

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows (32/64), MacOS, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows (32/64), MacOS, Linux

Documentation: https://unrealistic.dev/products/cursory

Important/Additional Notes: This plugin does not contain actual hardware cursor files (such as .ani's or .cur's). Rather, it provides you the ability to use your own in an intuitive and pleasant way.