High quality complete streets and buildings around with only exterior, and full main house.
The finally exterior scene with over 360 different objects, optimized for capacity.
Can be used for ArchViz projects or complete level for Game
Everything is textured with CC0 (copyright free) textures and modeled by me.
Note: This project use built in Lumen, but can be used with any render type.
Video demo, link here
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: 7880000 total scene
LODs: No
Number of Unique Meshes: 393
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 211
Number of Textures: 279
Texture Resolutions: 512x512 to 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Important/Additional Notes:
Some of the materials have textures from:
Texture with CC0 click here to download
Enabled Plugins: (These plugins come with Unreal Engine pre-installed)
Note: This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+
Link to Lumen documentation: Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)