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Military Style Mannequins

Expanded set of Mannequins for Prototyping. Has military and normal skins and dedicated female animations. Includes instanceable military style materials and standard UE4 mannequin materials.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.25 - 4.27, 5.0
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

Based on the standard Epic UE4 Mannequin this set expands it with a new set of skins and a completely new female Mannequin with it's own set of animations based on the Epic skeleton.

Enhance your prototyping vision with the female character or expand it using the included military style materials. Everything is based on Epics' standard 3rd person template and animation system so you can quickly plug and play it into your project.

This set comes with unique animations for the female mannequin for Idle, Jump, Walk and Run and gives it a unique look.

Also included is a new set of Materials to give them a more military look which can be customized in Material Instances to use every color or camouflage/texture pattern you want. Use mesh decals to customize the Mannequins even more.

It also includes the standard plastic UE4 material as well as a version of it for the female character.



  •  Instanceable materials where you can change color and pattern as well as use decals
  •  Based on Epics UE4 mannequin and skeleton
  •  Unique set of female animations

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes

Animated: Yes

Number of Animations: 6

Number of characters: 1 new character, 1 retextured character

Vertex counts of characters: 41.000

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4

Number of Textures: 13

Texture Resolutions: 2k tiling textures

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Important/Additional Notes:
