Classic Single Player FPS Game Framework

Make Game Creation Great Again! With DM and DN3D, you could make your own levels. You can do that again now.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.22 - 4.27
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    この製品には、Unreal Engine プロジェクトの完全なフォルダが含まれており、Config ファイル、コンテンツのファイル、.uproject ファイルが完備されています。新規プロジェクトを作成するためのテンプレートとして利用することができます。


(price reduced: not compatible with Unreal 5) Blueprint files BPFL_Utils, BP_Fan, and BP_Lamp_Ceiling_Globe changed from old version to new version.

Remember DM and DN3D? After playing the game, you could use their level editors and make more games. Since that time, game engines have become more sophisticated and harder to use! Can we have the best of both worlds? A modern, high-quality game engine but with the framework already in place to make Classic Single-Player FPS games? Now you can!

Build your own classic single-player DM, QK, DN3D, Unreal, etc. with a modern game engine! Rapidly prototype your classic first-person shooter with this framework. Over a man-year of work has already been done so you don’t have to. Get an original QK or DM-like game up and running, fast! This is perfect for a game jam.

Written completely with documented Blueprints so you can extend and modify it. Even with no or minimal additional Blueprint writing, gives you what you need to walk in the footsteps of DN3D or the original Unreal, except for game-specific artwork. You can also study the Blueprints to learn gameplay programming techniques!

Tutorials with sample solutions provided to get you started. A 90+ page manual gives an extensive reference. Hours of videos of building an Epic Game Jam game with (a beta version of) this framework are here:



  • 1500+ assets!
  • 100% Blueprint
  • Pickups and spawners for health, armor, ammo, keys, invisibility, NVG, power boost, jetpack
  • 5 character AI enemies and a drone enemy, turret enemy
  • Drivable and path-following vehicles
  • Advanced Finite State Machine provides lockable doors, triggerable explosion and effects, switchable lights, lifts, switches, boolean logic gates, monitor/camera combo.
  • Secret areas, in-game hints, earthquake, stair/fence builder, conveyor belt/flowing water
  • Barrels and crates, jump pads, teleporters, clock, and other props
  • Menu system: title menu, pause menu, save game, restore game, config controls, config player, audio/video config, and episodes menu
  • Game HUD with text messages and minimap
  • Cutscene/movie and credits crawler levels
  • Sample music (13), demo levels (10 playable), 100+ materials, 50+ sounds, 100+ meshes, 200+ Blueprints, 500+ textures, 40+ particle systems
  • 90+ page manual and videos of making games with beta version of the framework

Number of Blueprints: 257

Input: keyboard/mouse or Gamepad

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64 bit

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 64 bit
