23+ Box Mask Dissolve VFX Examples using Niagara Effects and Dynamic Materials
This is fully functional and customizable box mask dissolve vfx pack. Our latest release includes 23+ Box Mask Dissolve VFX Examples with 38+ Niagara Systems( 19+ Static Mesh and 19+ Skeletal Mesh Box Mask Dissolve Designs ), 1+ Niagara Module, 2+ Material Functions, 19+ Effect Materials, 65+ Dynamic Materials and 20+ Effect Textures. All box mask dissolve effects can apply any static mesh and skeletal mesh and they are customizable ( Box Mask Scale, Box Mask Visibility, Spline, Texture, Color, Emissive, Scale, Particle Number, etc.), so with this pack, you can easily create new box mask visual effect sets.
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of Niagara Modules: 1
umber of Niagara Systems: 38
Number of Images and Textures: 20
Number of Materials and Instances: 87
Number of Material Functions: 4
Number of Static Meshes: 1
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Texture Resolutions: 256 ~ 4096
Vertex Count: 38 ~ 559
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows