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bHaptics Haptic Manager

Plugin and blueprints to get started integrating the bHaptics TactSuit hardware into your game.

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    4.16 - 4.27, 5.0
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    エンジン プラグイン
    この製品には、コード プラグインが含まれており、ビルド済みのバイナリと Unreal Engine に統合される全ソースコードが完備されています。任意のエンジン バージョンにインストールし、プロジェクト毎に有効化することが可能です。

This plugin is deprecated. please visit here to download the latest plugin.



  • Manages the connection with the bHaptics Player and the feedback signals. Includes blueprint with simple UI to visualise the feedback.
  • HapticStructures - Includes structures to aid in sending feedback to the haptic devices.
  • Example character - An example character blueprint demonstrating how to integrate haptic feedback with user interaction, as well as using the number keys to browse loaded haptic feedback files.
  • Example dummies - Examples for how to implement feedback in-game based on simple collision detection.
  • Feedback folder - Includes preset haptic feedback files.
  • UI Example - use to pair and manage haptic devices.

Code Modules:

  • HapticsManager - Runtime module.

Number of Blueprints: 9

Number of C++ Classes: 9

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows (64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC (Windows), HTC Vive, Oculus, Android, Oculse Quest

Documentation: For a guide on how to use the plugin see Getting Started Guide or our GitHub Repository.

Oculus Quest Setup Guide: Doc

Important/Additional Notes: This plugin requires installation of the bHaptics Player. You can download the latest version of the Player here.
