Arctic/Antarctic Survival Game Environment

Clockwise Studio - 環境 - 2023/12/04

Artic Snow Survival Stylized Pack

  • サポートされたプラットフォーム
  • サポートされたエンジンバージョン
    5.1 - 5.4
  • ダウンロードのタイプ
    アセット パック
    この製品には、Unreal Engine アセットを詰め合わせたものが入っています。任意の既存プロジェクトにインポート可能です。

The Snow Artic Survival Stylized Pack is a complete environment package for Unreal Engine 5 that allows you to create a stunning and immersive snow-covered island. With its stylized models, wind particles and sounds, and blueprints for wind turbines, this pack is perfect for developing a survival game set in the harsh arctic environment.

Asset requires Water from Epic so that the sample/demo work can work properly.

See the environment trailer on youtube: Click here to watch video

The pack also includes a variety of non-rigged animals, such as bears, wolves, and seals, that can be used to populate your world and add to the sense of realism.


  • Stylized ice island environment
  • Wind particles and sounds
  • Blueprints for wind turbines
  • Non-rigged animals (bear, wolf, seal)
  • Ue5 Water system

Use cases:

  • Survival games
  • Adventure games
  • Exploration games
  • Educational games
  • Any other game set in a snow-covered environment


  • High-quality stylized models
  • Easy to use and implement
  • Optimized for performance
  • Create a realistic and immersive snow-covered island


Number of Unique Meshes: 70

Collision: Yes, automatic

Vertex Count: 120-22000

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances:63

Number of Textures: 190

Texture Resolutions: 2k

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

1 Blueprint inside for rotating the wind turbines

1 soundclip for wind and particle system for wind trails

Asset requires Water from Epic so that the sample/demo work can work properly.